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Business Security

Building An Effective Store Security Plan

By January 12, 2023No Comments

Building An Effective Store Security Plan

If you want to prevent the loss of products, secure your store and protect the safety of your employees, then you need to build an effective in-store security plan. There are ways that you can create an effective store security plan while simplifying procedures in your business. We share some examples of this below.

  • Use convenient access control systems. These should be supported by mobile and keyless entry systems. This will be more convenient for your staff members as they will not need to carry around large amounts of physical keys. These keys can be costly to issue and replace. The alternative will not only be easier for your team, but it will also be safer and more secure for your business too.


  • Your retail store should have an alarm system that will alert operators when a break-in occurs out of store times. To further prevent losses, alarmed gates around the store will deter criminals and make the break-in harder to complete. All the alarms in and around your store should alert chosen people or security to make them aware of the potential thefts so action can be taken.


  • Another way of preventing theft is through security cameras. These work as a really good deterrent against potential criminals as they want to unnoticed in their illegal behaviour and actions. The security cameras will also provide the evidence required for insurance claims. It can also be used for legal purposes and audits if a crime was to take place.


  • When building an effective retail store security plan, you should consider integrating your security solutions, so they work together. This can include things like access control and video security as well as alarm systems and anti-theft devices for example. These will help you as a business be more proactive in taking action the moment an illegal activity takes place.


  • If you sell high-value merchandise such as jewellery, smart phones, collectables and similar, these should be kept in a locked case. This will help to prevent theft while the store is open. When the store closes, these expensive items should be stored in a safe or similar secure area of the store.


  • When building an effective store security plan, you need to think about the layout of the store too. You need to ensure that there are no blind spots within the store. This will help employees have clear lines of sight for customers and entries.


Need support creating, planning, building or installing an effective store security plan for your retail business? Call our team now. We can come to your business and help you plan the best level of security for your unique needs.