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Does Your Security Camera Need Maintenance?

By November 18, 2022No Comments

Does Your Security Camera Need Maintenance?

Having a security camera installed in your home or business will give you peace of mind that the property is safe. But only if it is working. Just like your car, your security camera needs regular maintenance. By completing regular checks, you can be sure that there are no problems. If you do find any problems, they can be quickly repaired to secure your home once more.

Does your security camera need maintenance? In this blog post we share some tell-tale signs that it might do. Have a read and see what you think.

  • When Was The Last Time You Checked Your Security Cameras?

If you can’t remember the last time that you checked or maintained for your security cameras, then that’s a sign that they need checking soon. If you can schedule an annual security camera check for your home or business, this means you’ll stay on top of checks. Remember – the sooner a problem is found, often the easier it will be to fix. This means the repair will be done quicker and often for less money. A little fine-tuning can be all it takes to keep your security cameras in their best working order.

  • Have You Seen Wear And Tear On The CCTV Cameras?

When you walk past your surveillance camera have you seen signs of wear and tear? Perhaps there is exposed wiring or cracked glass for example? Have you seen birds nesting on it which has left significant scratches? These are all things that could damage the recording quality of your cameras. Remember, if they are outside cameras, they are exposed to the elements. This can make them particularly vulnerable.

  • Do You Have Burry Footage And Recordings?

Have you noticed that the footage and recordings from your security cameras is blurry or grainy? It’s essential that your recording is clear. This way it can be used as evidence if a crime has been committed. If you notice an issue with the picture quality, it is likely that the camera is damaged and will need repairing, or even replacing.


These are just three of the main tell-tale signs that your security camera needs a maintenance check. Why not call our CCTV specialists now? We can visit your home or business property and ensure your CCTV cameras are in good working order. If there are any issues, we can make the repairs for you too.