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How To Keep Your Office Safe And Secure This Summer – Office Security

By April 24, 2019May 3rd, 2019No Comments

How To Keep Your Office Safe And Secure This Summer - Office Security

Office security is always important, no matter the time of year. However, sometimes the actions taken to keep your office safe in the summer are forgotten. This may be because we are rushing out the office to enjoy a local beer garden after work, to go to a BBQ or to go off on holiday.

You need to keep your office safe and secure throughout the year. However, there are extra things you can do to ensure it is left safe and secure during the warmer months of summer.

  1. Locked Up Laptops

If laptops and tablets are used in your business then make sure they are locked up before you leave the office for the day. Laptops and tablets are popular products for thieves to targets and they know a lot of businesses use them. We would recommend laptops and tablets are either taken home or locked in cupboards at the end of the day. The summer brings lighter evenings and this means it is easier for thieves to see these goods in your office. Make sure they are locked up and hidden away.

  1. Use CCTV & Alarms

If you have CCTV and alarms installed then make sure you use them. It seems obvious, but you’d be surprised at the amount of people in business that leave the office and forget to set the alarms. Also remember to check that the CCTV cameras are on and not blocked from viewing any areas. If you do not have office security at your business premises then speak to us. We can make recommendations to keep your office safe. Our specialist security team can also give you a quote for security system installations.

  1. Train Staff

As the business owner you may not always be the last person to leave the office. You need to get your team leaders and employees involved in helping to keep your office safe and secure. Why not run a training session for key employees on the alarm and CCTV systems? You could also put up reminders around the office reminding employees to check the windows are shut, doors are locked and valuables aren’t on show.


By following this advice to keep your office safe and secure you are helping to protect your business.

However, if you feel ready to take your business and office security to the next level, then let us know.