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Fire SafetySmall Domestic Property

Is Fire Door Installation A Legal Requirement In Small Domestic Properties?

By November 30, 2023No Comments

Is Fire Door Installation A Legal Requirement In Small Domestic Properties?

Installing fire doors in your small domestic property has never been a legal requirement. However, just because fire door installation isn’t a legal requirement for small domestic properties, it doesn’t mean it is something that you need. Good fire door installation is something that slow down the spread of a fire, while protecting you, your family and your home, as well as your neighbours.

There has been a real shake-up by the UK government with regards to homeowners extending their homes. A lot of the red tape and hoops that had to be jumped through before, have now been removed. This is great news for homeowners that are extending their homes. However, with so many elements to consider when arranging a house extension, it can be easy to forget some of the other obligations needed to protect your home and family.

For example, fire door installation. The safety of your home is really important, especially as you change and extend your home. If you are extending your home to add a workshop, garage or a room with additional electrical equipment, for example, then you are adding potential fire risks to your home. This is where fire door installation within your small domestic property can become really important.

Many home extensions will require fire doors at various points of the interior. There are various fire doors that you can choose from. Any fire door from the team here at Jensen Security and Fire Safety will be fire-rated and safe. You just need to choose the right one for your home. With lots of different designs and colours available, it’s down to personal preference. When you’ve chosen the fire door for your home, just call our team. They will manager your professional fire door installation in your small domestic property.

If you are unsure if you need fire doors installed in your home, call our team. We can visit your property for a free fire safety assessment. Our fire safety specialists will review your home and recommend if and where professional fire door installation may be required in your home.

Our domestic fire door installation specialists will also recommend the best fire rating of fire doors that you need for your home. FD30 fire rating is the more common for domestic use. This level of door will resist fire for up to 30 minutes. This will give you and your family the additional time that you need to escape your home in case of a fire. The doors will help your family exit the home safely. They will also slow down the spread of fire. Therefore protecting your home and other rooms within it.

Want to know more about our fire door installation services for small domestic properties, like your home? Call our fire door installation team now. They will be happy to answer any queries that you might have. They can book a date for a free fire safety review or fire door installation in your home.