With utility bills getting higher, food costing more and a real cost of living crisis upon many of us, it is only normal that you may be looking for ways to save money. If you are looking to reduce your home insurance costs, then help is at hand. This is the blog post for you.
In this blog post we share some top tips that will help you when you are looking to reduce your home insurance costs. Check them out below.
- Shop Around
Home insurance prices will and do vary between one provider and the next. This is why you need to shop around. Check for the home insurance you need and what is included. This will help ensure that you are only paying for what you need and that you are paying the best price for it too. Where possible, if you can afford to pay for the home insurance annually, this will also save money. This is because some home insurance providers will add interest payments to monthly instalments. That said, not all do – so make sure you do your research and check the terms when you shop around.
- Avoid Added Extras, Sometimes
In every industry, businesses may try to upsell. This can sometimes be of benefits to the consumer, but sometimes it isn’t. You may be offered things like legal expenses cover, home emergency cover and accidental damage cover. Before agreeing to them, check the costs and ask yourself if you need them. There is no point paying for something that you don’t need. However, if you do need additional insurance, such as contents insurance or buildings insurance, you may want to get it from the same insurer. They will sometimes offer discounted prices for customers that buy more than one insurance from them.
- Secure Your Home
The better secured your home is, the lower risk of your home being burgled is. This means that you will be less likely to claim. As a result, you will be able to build up a no claims bonus which can help reduce your home insurance costs. Some insurers will ask how well your home is secured too and offer a discount based on what home security systems you have in place. Things like CCTV surveillance cameras and intruder alarms will help to reduce your home insurance costs with some insurance providers.
- Use An NSI Accredited Home Security Company
Just like having home security systems in place will help to lower the cost of your home insurance, using the right company will help too. Here at Jensen Security and Fire Systems we are NSI accredited. Very often home insurance providers will lower your home insurance price when you tell them your home security was installed by an NSI accredit security company. This is because NSI home security companies are highly professional and technically competent, as well as trustworthy and reliable.
Looking to reduce your home insurance costs? Call our home security specialists now.