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Fire Safety

Managing And Reducing Warehouse Fire Risks

By October 6, 2021October 22nd, 2021No Comments

Managing And Reducing Warehouse Fire Risks

A fire in a warehouse can spread very quickly. It can also pose a potential risk to neighbouring businesses and warehouses too. A warehouse fire can pose serious risks to people working in the vicinity, but also disruption to those living in the local area.

This is why it is so important to manage and reduce the risks of fires in warehouses with special attention.

There are a wide range of reasons that warehouses are far more at risk from large fires than other businesses. For example, they will have large qualities of potentially closely stacked items that could be combustible materials. This really is dependent on what is stored in the warehouse. Heat sources can also be dangerous for some materials stored in warehouses too.

Given the scale of a warehouse building, electrical issues can also present fire risk problems. It can be tricky to find a small-scale fault in a large building, that could lead to big blaze in the business. It’s also important to get it just right with the heating. This is especially the case if you have highly flammable materials in the warehouse. Of course, it is important to keep the warehouse warm. More so in the colder winter months, but this needs to be done with care.

On top of this, the risk of smoking cigarettes in or around the warehouse speaks for itself. Warehouses are often a target for arsonists and criminals too. This is another risk to be aware of if you own or run a warehouse.

It is a legal requirement that fire risk assessments are carried out on a regular basis. You also need to make sure that review and reassess these fire risk assessments as the lay out of the warehouse changes, new products are added, or other changes are made.

By speaking to a professional fire safety and security company you can ensure that you have the correct fire detection systems and fire protection equipment for the potential fire risks in your warehouse. Particular attention must be paid to high-risk areas and considerations for the type of products stored in your warehouse too.

To make sure you are managing and reducing warehouse fire risks to be the best of your ability; call our team now. We can complete a review and assessment of your warehouse. We will make recommendations if / where required.