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Securing Your Vacant Holiday Home

By August 11, 2021No Comments

Securing Your Vacant Holiday Home

Whether you only use your holiday home for you, or you rent it out on sites like AirBnB, it’s important that you properly secure your holiday home when it’s not in use. You may feel safe in the knowledge that there is nobody near your home throughout the non-holiday times, but this could actually mean security is more important. We have put together some tips for securing your vacant holiday home.

Doors & Windows

Make sure that the first step to securing your vacant holiday home is locking all your doors and windows. Research shows that around 1 in 3 burglars enter through doors or windows that have been left unlocked. The more time your holiday home is vacant, the more time you give burglars the opportunity to break into your home. Make sure your home is secure when you’re not staying there.


Get to know your neighbours. Assure them you’ll look out for your property when you’re staying there, and they’ll do the same for you. Look out for a local Facebook page of holiday homeowners in that area. This will help you create relationships with others in a similar position, but it will keep you aware of any security issues or concerns too. If you need to keep a spare key at the property, leave it at the main reception of the site or with a trusted neighbour.


When it comes to securing your vacant holiday home, appearance is everything. A home that looks empty or abandoned is often an attractive target for thieves or squatters. Timed lighting is a great way of making it look like someone is home. You could offer your driveway to your neighbours too. It’s a good idea to hire a gardener or handyman to keep your vacant holiday home well maintained and cared for.


The best way of securing your vacant holiday home is by investing in a security system. We can help you choose the best home security system for you. This could include CCTV cameras, security lighting, an intruder alarm and more. Not only will these give you the peace of mind that your home is safe, but they will also deter potential criminals that are scared of being caught. CCTV cameras will also allow to check your property if there is bad weather or a storm in the area.

Need help securing your vacant holiday home? Call our home security team now.