Have you opened a new business and realised you need fire extinguishers? Perhaps you have had a fire risk assessment and it has flagged that new or additional fire extinguishers are needed? When you require a new fire extinguisher it is essential that get them from the right place. You may be wondering where you can get the best value fire extinguisher?
While it might be tempting to shop around for the best value fire extinguisher that is cheap or second-hand, will these really be saving you money? If they fail in a fire and don’t work – you could face a hefty fine and a lot of expensive damage to your business.
As a business owner you must meet the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This states that you have a duty of care to ensure that all fire safety equipment purchased is legal and compliant. If you purchase a fire extinguisher on the cheap from an unreliable source, are you sure your fire extinguisher is legal? Would that really be the best value fire extinguisher in the long run?
In this blog post we help you see where you can get the best value fire extinguisher for your business. We also look where you can NOT get the best value fire extinguisher. This blog will help you ensure your business and staff members are safe in the event of a fire.
Should I Buy Fire Extinguishers Online?
Everyone loves a bargain and finding a good deal. These bargains and good deals can often be found online. While it’s great to shop online and get deals on some things, fire safety equipment shouldn’t be considered in this way. Afterall, this equipment could mean the difference between life and death for your employees if there was a fire. Take your time to shop around and find a reliable and approved fire safety company. They will be able to provide you with the fire safety equipment you need, based on the requirements of the business.
Should I Buy A Second-Hand Fire Extinguisher?
The biggest issue with buying second-hand fire extinguishers is that you don’t know what is wrong with them. Are they damaged, out of date or have cracks? Have they been used? When were they last checked, tested or maintained? Again, do you want to put the lives of your employees at risk just to save a couple of pounds? Concealed damage like cracks or corrosion won’t be discovered until it’s too late. Is that a risk you want to take?
If you want high-quality, good value fire extinguishers that you can rely on, call our team. We offer the supply, installation and maintenance of fire extinguishers. Call us now for a free, no obligation quote.