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Do I Need An Alarm System For A Home?

By May 1, 2019May 20th, 2019No Comments

Do I Need An Alarm System For A Home?

As a home security company in Peterborough, we speak to a lot of homeowners that are looking to improve the security in their home. One of the most commonly asked questions that we are asked is “Do I need an alarm system for a home?”.

There are many different opinions to alarm systems in homes. Some people presume, incorrectly, that having an alarm system fitted for a home advertises to potential house burglars that you have something of value that you are trying to protect.

However, we feel that this extra layer of security that you get for your home and your peace of mind is not to be sniffed at. In fact there was a survey recently completed by the Metropolitan Police and Which? Magazine. They spoke to ex-burglars who concluded that they were less likely to burgle somewhere that had a well fitted and well maintained alarm system.

Here at Jensen Security and Fire Safety we believe that the more tailored the alarm system for a home, the more benefits you will get from it. There are different types of alarm system designed for different homes. You need to consider what your home is like. Also where it is and the level of security and protection you require. Then you can purchase the right alarm system for a home.

Bells Only Alarm System

This is an alarm system that will make a sound when an intruder breaks into a home. However the alarm will not contact anyone, such as the police, when the intruder enters your home. A bells only alarm system is fine if you live in a busy neighbourhood. If you can really on your neighbours to contact the police in case of an emergency.

However, if you live near few homes, your neighbours are out when you are or you don’t know any of your neighbours then this may not be the best alarm system for your home. However, it could still deter a burglar.

Dialler Alarm System

The dialler alarm system for a home gives you, as the homeowner, complete peace of mind. It will alert you or selected family members or friends when the alarm is activated. The only downside of this dialler alarm system is that it does need to be connected to a landline for it to contact others. If you do not have a landline you can get a special sim card which can be topped up to make these calls.

Smart Alarm System

A smart alarm security system is connected to a smartphone or tablet through WiFi. When an intruder attempts to break into your home it will alert you on that device that the alarm has been triggered. You can then add other home security products and systems to the smart home security system. This could include things like security lighting, CCTV cameras and motion sensors for example.


If you want to increase the home security of your home then please contact us directly. We can help recommend the best home security products for your safety and protection.