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Should Fire Extinguishers Be Serviced Monthly Or Annually?

By July 17, 2023No Comments

Should Fire Extinguishers Be Serviced Monthly Or Annually?

Do you have fire extinguishers in your business premises? Are you wondering how often your fire extinguisher should be serviced? Do you think fire extinguishers should be serviced monthly or annually? That’s the questions we answer in this blog post for you.

It’s important to remember that there are different types of fire extinguisher services. For example, there is a monthly fire extinguisher service and inspection. This is a visual check of the fire extinguishers. There are then basic annual maintenance checks completed once a year. In addition to this, there are extended services and maintenance checks completed on fire extinguishers. These should be completed once every five years.

Monthly Visual Fire Extinguisher Inspections

A visual check should be completed on your fire extinguishers once a month. This is a visual check that can be completed in-house. You should check the fire extinguisher itself, as well as pressure gauge. The headpin cap and seal should be checked visually too. You will be looking for any damage, tampering or loss of pressure. These checks will ensure that the fire extinguisher is in good working order and can be relied upon in case of a fire.

Annual Basic Fire Extinguisher Service

Your annual test on fire extinguishers must be carried out by a trained and approved fire extinguisher engineer. This is a service we offer here at Jensen Security and Fire Systems. Our trained and experienced fire extinguisher specialists have the tools, training and experience required for the annual fire extinguisher check and maintenance services. During this service full checks of the fire extinguisher will be completed. It’s likely that the headcap pin will be replaced and verified for proper operation. The pressure gauge will also be checked and any O rings in the horn or valve-hose junction will be changed.

Extended 5 Year Fire Extinguisher Service

Routine checks are required on water, foam, powder and wet chemical extinguishers every 5 years. These checks should be performed by a trained and certified expert, like our fire engineer engineers. This service will include a thorough check and in-depth evaluation of the components. The fire extinguisher will also be discharged to look at the distance, pattern and duration of the extinguisher. The valves will be tested and refurbished. The inside of the extinguisher will be checked too. Your fire extinguisher will have a headcap O ring. This will also be replaced, as well as the headcap assembly. The extinguisher is then refilled and pressured. This will ensure that there are no leaks, and the extinguisher can be relied upon in case of a fire.


Need to book your annual or 5-yearly fire extinguisher maintenance service? Call our fire extinguisher specialists now.