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Business Security

Three Things That Make Your Business Attractive To Burglars

By June 18, 2019July 1st, 2019No Comments

According to the FBI, business break-ins accounted for a third of all burglaries in 2017. There are three main things that make a business attractive to burglar. In this blog post we talk about these things. We also help you avoid your business being attractive to a burglar and protected from a break-in.

  1. Businesses With Valuables

A business like jewellers, a phone shop, business that sells alcohol or a pharmacy are businesses that burglars know have valuables.  These sorts of businesses are prime targets for burglars. This is because they can easily get their hands on valuable products that are easy to sell on. This enables the burglar to make a profit with ease.

  1. Businesses With Cash

The only thing better than breaking into a business with valuable products that a burglar can sell for cash, is breaking into a business with cash. A cash heavy business such as travel money shop, a pawn store, a bookies or a bank for example is an appealing and attractive target for a burglar.

  1. Businesses With Long Opening Hours

We all know that the cover of darkness is a great time for burglars. This is why shops, restaurants, bars and other businesses that are open late into the night are classed as a business that is attractive to burglars. Often less employees will be working in the evening. It is dark for their escape and there will be fewer customers to see them too.


If you think that your business could be attractive to burglars, from the points above, then we have put together some ways to protect your business.

  • Use CCTV video surveillance to keep an eye on your business when you aren’t there. It will also deter burglars if they see it when checking out your business before planning a break-in. The CCTV systems will also capture the theft if it was to take place, giving you the evidence you need to give the police.
  • Monitored alarms are a great way of protecting your business too. If an intruder attempts to break into your business an alarm will go off and this can alert you or the police. This will not only deter the burglar, it could make them leave before they steal anything, or they will be caught in the act.
  • Entry systems can also help stop thieves getting into your business. If you need a key code or card to get through parts of the business this can deter the burglar or slow them down. This will then help the police catch them before anything is stolen.