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Waking Watch Funding

Waking Watch Replacement Fund FAQ: Who Has To Apply?

By February 14, 2022No Comments

Waking Watch Replacement Fund FAQ: Who Has To Apply?

In previous blog posts we have explained that there is new government funding under the Waking Watch Replacement Fund. This funding is available to help cover the cost of fire alarm installations to replace the expensive costs of a waking watch patrol. Previously there was a Waking Watch Relief Fund, but this was for much large buildings. The arrival of the Waking Watch Replacement Fund means that more properties are covered so more leaseholders can be helped.

As it is relatively new funding, there are lots of questions we are being asked. One of these frequently asked questions is: Who Has To Apply. If you would like to replace your waking watch patrol with high quality fire alarm systems, then you may be wondering who has to apply for this funding too.

Applications for the waking watch replacement fund will be accepted from the Responsible Person of an eligible building, or an entity nominated by them to apply for the funding on their behalf. The fund assumes that the waking watch patrol is already in place. This means that many of the relevant assessments will have already been completed. It also means that responsibilities, with regards to where costs lie, will be well established.

It is the Responsible Person, or any entity nominated on their behalf who has to apply. They should already have the information needed to assess their eligibility. They should also have all the evidence needed to progress with the application for the waking watch replacement fund.

It is the role of the Responsible Person to keep leaseholders informed of their application and the progress of the application. All leaseholders should be informed that an application has been made for the funding. They should also be made aware of the outcome of the application, when the funding is approved and the timescales for the installation.

As the Responsible Person and the person who has to apply for the funding, we would recommend that you speak to the local Fire and Rescue Service. We recommend that you talk to them about the implications of installing a common alarm in their building. Again, leaseholders should be kept informed of their intentions.

The waking watch replacement fund will cover all reasonable costs for the installation of a common alarm system. The assumption is that an s20 consultation is not required in respects to the costs. This is because the leaseholders will not have to make a financial contribution towards the installation of the fire alarm system. If the costs are not deemed as ‘reasonable’ then the full costs may not be provided. In this case, the Responsible Person will have to consider how any shortfalls are covered.

If you are the Responsible Person who has to apply for the funding and you aren’t sure where to start, call our team. We are extremely experienced in helping people just like you claim government funding. Our experienced team will be only too happy to help you apply for the waking watch replacement fund.